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Exploring End-use OpportunitiesD-H
Genetics and GenomicsI-T
Resilience and MetabolismU-Y
Other Posters 


First NameLast NamePoster TitleTopic AreaBoard Assigned
NoemiCodina PascualCamelina seed weight as affected by temperatureAgronomyA1
MeghnaMalikYield10 Herbicide Tolerant CamelinaAgronomyA2
AritzRoyo-EsnalOptimizing the yield of camelina in a semiarid climate: effect of flood irrigationAgronomyB1
ThiyaMukherjee  B2
Ana PaulaCanu  C1
KaitlinBachleCenter for BiotechnologyOtherC2
EdCahoonCo-Optimization of Camelina Oil Quality and Conversion Technologies for Sustainable Aviation FuelExploring End-use OpportunitiesD1
AlishaFnuCharacterization of Pennycress seeds engineered to synthesize medium chain fatty acidsExploring End-use OpportunitiesD2
SenorpeHiablieAssessing Camelina a's Potential: Reviewing Farming Practices in the U.S. and Measuring Meal Quality Exploring End-use OpportunitiesE1
DuaneJohnsonDeveloping Camelina Oil in EV Lithium Battery Insulation ApplicationsExploring End-use OpportunitiesE2
HyojinKimNature-Guided Strategies to Maximize Astaxanthin Production and Purity in Camelina Oil for Aquaculture Feed and High-Value Food ApplicationsExploring End-use OpportunitiesF1
PawanKumarDevelopment of tools for cell autonomous and non-autonomous assays for studying the model bioenergy crop Camelina sativaExploring End-use OpportunitiesF2
CoryNykiforukCore Factors: where lipid droplet biogenesis intersects biotechnology.Exploring End-use OpportunitiesG1
Doug AllenDoes fatty acid turnover occur concurrently with plant lipid synthesis?Resilience and MetabolismG-2
MonicaVenegas-CalernBiotechnological redesign of the Camelina sativa lipid biosynthetic pathway for the development of new industrial oils.Genetics and GenomicsH2
Sania ZafarAwanG2PDeep-v2: Web-based Deep Learning Platform for phenotype prediction and Marker Discovery in Plants and Other Species.Genetics and GenomicsI1
RostislavBlumeFrom Camelina model to crop: enhancing medium chain fatty acids accumulation in seed oil for sustainable biojet fuelGenetics and GenomicsI2
RostislavBlumePopulation structure of hexaploid Camelina microcarpa cytotypes in Ukraine, a hotspot of the species genetic diversityGenetics and GenomicsJ1
JordanBrockThe evolutionary history of Camelina and new insights for breedingGenetics and GenomicsJ2
Yen OnChanA Comprehensive Suite of Tools for Allele Discovery and Phenotype Improvement in SoyKB and KBCommons Frameworks for CropsGenetics and GenomicsK1
SabinDahalRedesigned KBCommons v2.0 framework for enhanced multi-omics data integration and visualization for diverse organismsGenetics and GenomicsK2
WilsonCraineThe Camelina MicrobiomeGenetics and GenomicsL1
WilsonCraineThe Camelina Microbiome #2Genetics and GenomicsL2
SamuelDeckerIdentification of QTLs and Candidate Genes for Camelina Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Oilseed Traits Using a High-quality GenomeGenetics and GenomicsM1
AbdulGhaniIntegrated Multi-omics and Cross-species Analytics for Sustainable Brassicaceae Biofuels and BioproductGenetics and GenomicsM2
ErichGrotewaldTranscriptional regulation of lipid metabolism for enhanced seed oil yield and quality in Camelina sativaGenetics and GenomicsN1
MeganLetourneauFood for the future: Transforming Camelina sativa into a climate stress-tolerant cropGenetics and GenomicsN2
ChunyangLuImproving plant cell type annotation for scRNA-seq data by utilizing deep-learning-model based approachesGenetics and GenomicsO1
LouiseMichaelsonKnetMiner: A Knowledge Graph for Brassica and Beyond.Genetics and GenomicsO2
EmilyPawlowskiDevelopment of tools and community resources for Camelina sativaGenetics and GenomicsP1
JoaquinSalasEstablishing a Collection of Camelina sativa Lines for the Production of New Oils for Oleochemical, Pharmacological, and Food ApplicationsGenetics and GenomicsP2
PallavSinghscINTGrate: Interactive Multiomics Data Analytics, Inference and Visualization PortalGenetics and GenomicsQ1
BijornUsadelThe Camelina Plant Adaptation HUB database and resourceGenetics and GenomicsR1
DexterWhiteCRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing to enhance seed oil in cover cropsGenetics and GenomicsR2
TingyuanXiaoIdentification of Seed Specific Promoters with A Range of Expression StrengthsGenetics and GenomicsS1
ManishSridharSoyHub - A hub for soybean-applied genomics prediction tools based on diverse soybean re-sequenced accessionsGenetics and GenomicsS2
MarkSmithInduced Genetic Diversity in Camelina sativa: Exploring Chemical and Physical Mutagenesis Populations.Genetics and GenomicsT1
Xiao-HongYuCreating yellow-seed Camelina sativa with enhanced oil accumulation by CRISPR-mediated disruption of Transparent Testa 8Resilience and MetabolismT2
RossellaMastroberardinoSalt stress response diversity in camelina genotypes: insights on germination and early- root development stageResilience and MetabolismU1
PhilBatesUtilization of triacylglycerol remodeling to engineer increased hydroxy- and polyunsaturated containing fatty acids in Camelina sativa seed oilsResilience and MetabolismU2
DemianDlakicNutrient Availability and Nitrogen Remobilization Efficiency Influence Seed Yield in CamelinaResilience and MetabolismV1
MatthewGarneauExploring lipid metabolism through isotropic tracing of cultured embryos: Implications for the engineering of Camelina and Related Crop PlantsResilience and MetabolismV2
SommathKoleyMetabolic coordination between reproductive components for seed filling in the oilseed Camelina sativaResilience and MetabolismW1
LauraMarekUS National Plant Germplasm System Camelina germplasm collection: a public resource W2
OctaviaRomanSpatio-temporal chemical modulation of root-associated-microbial communities in Camelina sativaResilience and MetabolismX1
JiahongZhouSIMPEL 2.0: Automating Untargeted Isotope Labeling Analysis and Pathway ElucidationResilience and MetabolismX2
ManeeshLingwanElucidating Fatty Acid Biosynthesis and Turnover in Camelina Seeds that Produce Medium Chain-Containing LipidsResilience and MetabolismY1
ManeeshLingwanSystems-Level Analysis of Extreme Differences in Fatty Acid Chain-Length Production: Natural Variants and Re-Designed Brassicaceae OilseedsGenetics and GenomicsY2