ICC Conference Presentation Guidelines

We expect to have 10 flash talks (two minutes each) at the start of each poster session on Friday and Saturday. Posters will be presented and available for discussion across two sessions (Friday and Saturday). Speakers and poster presenters are expected to provide abstracts of their presentations at the time of registration, and if approved to present, to do so on research they have conducted either individually or as part of a research group. After submitting your abstract on the Abstract Submission for ICC Papers and Posters page, you will receive an email notifying you of your talk or poster status within two weeks of the established deadlines. Please contact Stephanie Vendetti or Lisa Maupin if you have any questions regarding an abstract submission.

ICC Oral Presentation Guidelines

Approved oral research presenters will be notified that they have 20 minutes total (15-minute talk + five minutes for questions) for their talk. The presentation room – Nebraska Union, Swanson Auditorium – will be equipped with a PC computer, projector and microphone at the podium. Please prepare your talk in a PowerPoint format. Presenters will need to pre-load the final version of their PowerPoint to an assigned online conference folder at least 24 hours prior to their talk.

ICC Poster Presentation Guidelines

Approved poster presenters are expected to be present with their poster during the poster session to which they are assigned. Posters and poster flash talks will be assigned a number for organizational purposes. Posters will be presented on both Friday and Saturday evening. Poster flash talks will be presented in sessions at the start of the poster session (Friday and Saturday). Poster flash talks will need to be two minutes in duration. Posters should contain the research problem, the background information, research results, and conclusions.

Preparing poster presentations

You should make your poster so that it can be displayed on a cork posterboard at the conference site. The recommended poster size for ICC is 36 inches wide by 30 inches tall. If your work can clearly be presented in a vertical poster format, we encourage you to present it in this way in a format of no more than 36 inches wide by 48 inches tall. Note: You must request special permission to submit a poster more than 40 inches wide.

Recommended font sizes:

  • Title: 40 point or larger. Put it across the top and make it informative.
  • Section headings (Introduction, Methods, etc.): 36 point bold.
  • Supporting text (intro text, figure captions, etc.): 24 point, bold where appropriate.
  • Narrative details should be brief, in plain text, and no smaller than 18 point.
  • Consider a larger size (36 point) for Conclusion text, and a smaller size (18 point) for Methods text.

We recommend that you get your poster printed by a professional. If you want to request a table and/or an electrical connection for your laptop during the poster session, please let us know. Note, however, that we cannot guarantee an internet connection or table space. Finally, if you are flying to the conference and bringing your poster with you, please take it as a carry-on, just in case there is a problem with your luggage or connections. One-piece posters can be rolled up and carried in a cardboard tube.

If you would like to get your poster printed in Lincoln so that you do not need to transport it, you will need to contact FedEx Office Print and Ship Center or the UNL Pixel Lab for information, prices and deadlines. Please double-check business hours to ensure you can get your materials in time. Note that during weekends, businesses may be closed or may have shortened hours of operation. 

If you have any additional questions regarding your poster, please contact Stephanie Vendetti or Lisa Maupin.

Hanging your poster

We will be able to direct you to the poster session area and advise you where to display your poster before the poster session to which you have been assigned. We will provide T-pins to hang the poster for display. Posters that have been assigned an even number will be presented on Friday evening, and posters that have been assigned an odd number will be presented on Saturday evening. Posters are required to be displayed only in the assigned area, and only on the approved poster boards. It is important that you use the materials we provide for poster display in order to maintain the best condition of the boards. Details about the set-up and take-down time for the poster session will be provided closer to the time of the conference.