ICC 2024: Frequently Asked Questions

Registration and Funding

What are the eligibility requirements for the ICC conference?

Due to Nebraska law and UNL policies, attendees cannot register for ICC unless they will be at least 19 years of age on or before July 19, 2024. The conference is open to researchers (graduate students and faculty) and professionals in the camelina community. 

I need a letter of invitation in order to attend the conference. How do I request this documentation?

Please contact Dr. Edgar Cahoon to request a letter of invitation for the 2024 ICC conference. Include your name, professional title, and full address in your email to Dr. Cahoon. 

What is the registration fee?

Prior to June 15 the registration fee for ICC is $175; student registration is $150 (must be at least 19 years of age on or prior to July 19, 2024.). Registration closes on June 15, after that date those who want to register will need to contact Stephanie Vendetti or Lisa Maupin

Credit card is the preferred method of payment for the ICC conference registration fee. If this option is not available to you, contact Stephanie Vendetti or Lisa Maupin in order to request a purchase order. 

Where do I register?

The registration link is available on the homepage of the ICC website or directly though the ICC registration page on Cvent.

What expenses am I responsible for?

ICC conference attendees are responsible for all costs associated with attending the 2024 ICC conference, including by not limited to the following: registration fee, travel/transportation, lodging, food/beverages, parking, incidentals, etc. 

ICC registration fees cover the following: Attendance of the 2024 ICC including lunches on Friday and Saturday, and poster sessions with receptions (heavy appetizers and some beverages) on both Friday and Saturday.  

How do I ask for funding support?

To be considered for partial financial support for your conference attendance, you must apply to present either an oral or poster presentation and complete the optional portions of the abstract submission form.

How do I receive the award once I have been approved for partial funding support?

If you are awarded partial funding support, following attendance of the conference, and submission of appropriate receipt documents, support funds will be awarded in the amount outlined by conference organizers. Please note that support in any amount can only be awarded after the conference has concluded, and attendees must have verified conference attendance in order for support awards to be payable.  

How do I pay my registration fees?

ICC registration fees for the 2024 conference are payable by credit card through the conference registration site.

If you are not able to pay by credit card but payment by purchase order is an option, contact Stephanie Vendetti or Lisa Maupin in order to request a purchase order. 

I am unable to attend the conference. Who do I notify to cancel? 

For cancellation and registration fee refund, contact Lisa Maupin. Only refund requests made 30 days prior to the start of the conference, by June 18, 2024, will be processed. After June 18, you should still notify Lisa Maupin of cancellations; however, you will no longer be eligible for a refund. 


Do I have to present a talk or poster to attend?

Presentation of a talk or poster is not required for 2024 ICC conference attendance. 

How do I submit an abstract for a talk or poster session?

In order to submit an abstract for consideration for an oral presentation or a poster presentation, you will first need to complete the abstract submission form.

Additionally, to be considered for oral presentation and/or for partial financial support for your conference attendance, please complete the optional portions of the abstract submission form.

What are the abstract submission deadlines?

ICC has a talk/oral abstract submission deadline of April 15, 2024, in order to be considered. Poster abstract submission deadline is June 15, 2024, in order to be considered. 

Can I propose a talk or poster with co-presenters?

Yes, co-presenters can be listed in the abstract submission form. 

When will I be notified if I have been approved to present a talk or poster?

Those who submit an abstract for consideration should be notified of the reviewers’ decision within two weeks of the abstract deadline. 

What materials or guidelines are available to an approved oral presenter?

Approved oral presenters should reference guidelines for talks.

What materials or guidelines are available to an approved poster presenter? 

Approved poster presenters should reference guidelines for talks

What materials or guidelines are available to an approved poster flash talk presenter? 

Poster presenters selected to give a flash talk will be notified after June 15 and should prepare a two-minute presentation (one or two PowerPoint slides) introducing themselves and the work they are presenting. It may be helpful to include a QR code on the slide and/or poster that links to the poster and any further information you wish to include. Please prepare your slides prior to attending the conference and send them to Stephanie Vendetti or Lisa Maupin.

Travel and Lodging

Where can I make a hotel reservation at the ICC conference rate?

Hotel lodging rooms are available for reservation at a special conference rate at the Embassy Suites by Hilton Lincoln, the Courtyard Marriott Lincoln Downtown/Haymarket, Hilton Garden Inn Lincoln Downtown/Haymarket, and the Hyatt Place Lincoln Downtown-Haymarket. More information can be found on the ICC travel and lodging page. All lodging costs are the responsibility of the attendee. 

What if I need to arrive early or stay late?

Hilton Garden Inn and Hyatt Place both have extended the early check-in (before July 14) and later check-out (after July 21) option at the conference rate. You may contact any of the hotels listed on the ICC 2024 conference travel and lodging page to inquire if they will extend the conference rate for dates of stay prior to or after the dates already available at the conference rate.  Information for each of these hotels is listed on the ICC travel and lodging page. All lodging costs are the responsibility of the attendee. 

What airports are closest to the 2024 ICC conference location?

The two airports that are in close proximity to the 2024 ICC conference location are Lincoln, Nebraska (LNK), and Omaha, Nebraska (OMA), airports. The LNK airport is a 10-minute drive to downtown Lincoln; the OMA airport is a 60-minute drive to Lincoln. 

How do I get from the Lincoln airport to the hotel?

Each of the four hotels listed on the ICC 2024 conference travel and lodging page provides shuttle service to/from the Lincoln airport to their respective hotels. You will need to consult with the hotel directly regarding their process for making shuttle arrangements. Contact information for each of these hotels is listed

How do I get from the Omaha airport to the hotel?

There are various shuttle services such as Leisure Limousine and OmaLink that will transport you from Omaha Eppley Airport to Lincoln, Nebraska. More information is available. All transportation costs are the responsibility of the attendee.  

Special Assistance

I have circumstances that require me to request special assistance (dietary restrictions, captioning, interpreters, service animals, etc.). How do I make a request?

The registration form includes a comments area to make special requests. You may also contact Stephanie Vendettior Lisa Maupin with any requests, including sign language interpretation, live captioning, accessibility requests, etc. 

What meals are provided?

ICC registration fees cover the cost of the following food items: lunches, and poster session receptions (heavy appetizers and some beverages) on both Friday and Saturday. 

How do I request meal accommodations that meet my dietary restrictions?  

Contact Stephanie Vendetti or Lisa Maupin with any requests regarding dietary restrictions for the meals covered by the ICC conference registration fee. 

On-site Logistics and Planning

Where is the Nebraska Union?

The Nebraska Student Union is at 14th and R streets, approximately six blocks from the Embassy Suites hotel in lovely downtown Lincoln, Nebraska. The additional three hotels with the ISPL discounted rate are located in the nearby Haymarket and Railyard areas, adjoining downtown Lincoln. The Nebraska Union is within a one-mile radius, with an average 15-minute walking commute, from the hotels listed on the conference website. 

Who do I contact with additional questions? 

Contact Stephanie Vendetti or Lisa Maupin with any additional inquiries.